

  • Aaron Shear on SEO – This pedigreed SEO with a history at Inktomi, SEO Inc and now shopping.com blogs about search marketing.
  • Abhilash – Abhilash Patel’s blog: “Boutique SEO With a Little Brown Sugar.”
  • About: Web Search – Wendy Boswell covers the search engines for About.com.
  • Accessible Web Design – Joe Dolson on accessibiliy.
  • ad:tech blog – Official blog for the ad:tech conferences.
  • Affliliate Manager Blogger – Leonard Chen blogs about affiliate marketing.
  • AGoToGuy’s Marketing Blog – Joe Holcomb, CEO of AI Gateway with previous work at BlowSearch and Kanoodle blogs about search engines, internet marketing and online advertising.
  • Alibi Productions Blog – Drew Stauffer’s blog about marketing online.
  • Alister Cameron – Blog consultant, web designer and father of four blogs about blogging and search marketing.
  • Andy Beard – Lives in Poland, runs his business from the UK and blogs about the search industry, blogging, niche and affiliate marketing.
  • Apogee Weblog – Richard Ball of Apogee Web Consulting blogs about search engine marketing, small business growth, web analytics and pixel advertising.
  • Ask.com Blog – Official blog for Ask.com
  • Ask Kalena – Kalena Jordan offers search engine tips and advice.


  • B2B SEO Blog – Galen De Young blogs about search marketing from a business to business SEO perspective.
  • Baron VC – Sam Baron writes about social media.
  • Beanstalk SEO Blog – Dave Davies blogs about news in the search engine and online marketing industry.
  • Beyond the Paid – Melissa Mackey who is a Search Marketing Director for MagazineLine and recent winner of a free pass to Search Marketing Expo blogs about search engine marketing.
  • BIG marketing for small business – Rajan Sodhi’s fairly new blog on common and uncommon marketing tactics for small businesses.
  • biggNuts – Dax Herrerra, black hat SEO and book author.
  • Big OAK SEO blog – Shell Harris blogs about all angels of SEO.
  • Bill Hartzer – Bill has redone his site and blogs about a wide variety of topics ranging from the search marketing industry to linking to monetizing web site content.
  • Biznology – IBM Distinguished Engineer Mike Moran’s blog on search.
  • Blackhat SEO – Entertaining at least.
  • Blizzard Internet Marketing – Group blog and newsletter from the team at Blizzard Internet Marketing.
  • BloggerDesign – Thomas McMahon’s blog (aka TwisterMC) on blog design, usability and marketing.
  • Blogs and Feeds – Amanda Watlington’s blog on blogging, RSS and search marketing.
  • Blue Hat SEO – Eli writes about advanced SEO tactics.
  • BoogyBonBon – Levi, founder of WordZe blogs about making money online and the MyGen simple site generator.
  • BPWrap – Barry Welford’s blog about internet marketing.
  • Brad Fallon – Long time SEO.
  • Brandon Hopkins – Made a big hit with a link building post which hit the home page on Digg.
  • Bruce Clay Blog – Lisa Barone performs her blog magic covering the search marketing industry.
  • Business Blog Consulting – A group blog started by Rick Bruner.
  • business2blog: B2Day – The latest ideas from Business 2.0 editor Erick Schonfeld


  • Cameron Olthuis – Personal blog with some search and SMO/SMM thrown in.
  • Cape Cod SEO – Small business SEO and PPC plus a little about Cape Cod from Derek J Edmond.
  • Capture the Conversation – Internet Marketing Methodologies from Room 214, Inc co-founders James Clark & Jason Cormier.
  • Cartoon Barry – Barry Schwartz’s pseudo personal blog. Also includes links to posts from his work at Search Engine Roundtable and Search Engine Land.
  • Catherine “Cat” Seda – Long, long time, search marketer!
  • Caveman – New blog for Scott Smith on organic search and marketing.
  • Charlene Li’s Blog – Forrester Analyst blog that also covers search marketing.
  • Charlotte Internet Marketing – Keith Schilling’s Big Brush Media Blog
  • Comparison Engines – Brian Smith’s popular blog on comparison shopping engines.
  • Commerce360 Blog – Craig Danuloff posts about search marketing and analytics.
  • Communicontent – Founder of Threadwatch, Performancing and now ClickInfluence, Nick Wilson blogs on web development, social media and technology from Denmark.
  • Compete Blog – Online trends and insightful findings from the team at Compete.com.
  • comScore Networks – Feed for comScore press releases.
  • ContextWeb Internet Advertising Blog – John Ebbert writes about online and contextual advertising with info for publishers and advertisers.
  • Conversations Monetized – Garrett French shares his literary stylings on social media marketing and other market conversation strategies.
  • Conversion Rater – Pat McCarthy shows you how to make the web convert for your goals.
  • Convertup – Brian Thibault, aka Bonez / TBO, blogs about usability, search engine rankings and general website marketing strategy.
  • Copyblogger – Brian Clark’s most excellent blog on copywriting and marketing.
  • Cornwall SEO blog – Lyndon Antcliff’s SEO & social media blog.
  • Cre8pc – The lovely and super smart Kim Krause’s blog on usability and holistic search marketing.
  • Cre8tive Flow – Cre8asiteforums group blog.
  • CrunchNotes – Michael Arrington’s less formal blog as a companion to Techcrunch.



  • Earl of Grey’s Blog – Runs syndk8 blackhat SEO forum, Affiliate Earners and probably other things I’ll never know about. Also blogs periodic and humorously sarcastic observations of the search industry.
  • eBuzzMaster – Personal blog of self proclaimed SEO geek, Meg Walker, from Network Solutions covering online advertising, search marketing and SEO.
  • eConsultancy Internet Marketing & News – Group blog from the team at eConsultancy.
  • E-Marketing Performance – Stoney deGeyter and the team from Pole Position Marketing offer up search marketing information to render your competition powerless.
  • Elixr Systems Blog – James Peggie and Dylan Downhill post about SEO, PPC and online PR.
  • eMarketing Talk Show – Cindy Turrietta podcast show on search marketing.
  • Emergence Media – Daniel Riveong’s excellent blog on internet marketing and social media.
  • Epiphany Solutions Blog – UK based search marketing agency blog.
  • Eradicate Perplexity – Scott Orth does his best to demystify search engine marketing.
  • eTraffic Jams Blog – Michael Pedone writes about SEO.
  • eWhisper.net – Brad Geddes thoughts on advertising, PPC and the web.
  • ExperienceCurve – Karl Long’s blog on marketing, social media and customer experience.


  • Finding the Sweet Spot – Scott Clark, a web marketer from Kentucky blogs about a variet of personal and professional interests including SEO.
  • First Page Fitness Blog – Everett Sizemore blogs about his specialty area of search marketing – health and fitness SEO.
  • FishSEO – Scott Fish keeps you up-to-date on the latest SEO news and techniques.
  • flashpoint – Yahoo Ian Kennedy’s blog on social media advertising.
  • Flyte Blog – Rich Brooks writes about web marketing for small business.
  • freshblog – The team at Fresh Egg, Ammon Johns’ UK search marketing agency post about work, search marketing and industry observations.
  • Fused Nation – Scott Boyd, aka “marketing guy” blogs about UK search marketing news, gossip and discussions.




  • ibrian – Brian Turner’s business blog. He also writes for SEOmoz (until Rebecca comments that he doesn’t anymore) and Threadwatch.
  • I Hate Google.org – Dan Kramer writes about sSearch engine optimization news and tidbits.
  • I Love Jack Daniels – Dave Child offers a nice mix of design, development, cheats and marketing.
  • a target=”_blank” xhref=”http://www.improvetheweb.com/>Improve the Web – Yuri Filimonov, of Novosibirsk, Russia blogs about SEO, usability, web design, copywriting and more.
  • IncrediBILL’s Random Rants – Bill Atchison on, “Stopping scrapers and spammers and a whole lote more”.
  • Influential Interactive Marketing – Rohit Bhargava, VP Interactive Marketing for Ogilvy Public Relations on marketing online.
  • In Search of Stuff – Humorous look at the search marketing industry by Scottie Claiborne and Michael Motherwell.
  • Inside AdSense – Official blog for Google AdSense.
  • Inside AdWords – Official blog for Google AdWords.
  • Inside the Marketers Studio – David Berkowitz’s blog on internet marketing.
  • InsideGoogle – Nathan Weinberg’s long time blog about Google and the search industry.
  • Internet – martinibuster – Roger Montti’s unique perspective on the search engine marketing industry.
  • Internet Marketing Blog – Chris Garrett of Performancing fame.
  • Internet News – A general internet marketing and search news blog by Gwen Harris.
  • Irish Wonder’s Black Hat SEO Blog – A blog about blackhat, general SEO issues and other things related to the life on the web.
  • IR Thoughts – Dr. E. Garcia (aka Orion) blogs about theses, papers and presentations relevant to information retrieval.



  • Karl Ribas – Blogs mostly about search engine news, pay per click and tools.
  • kraneland – David Krane of Google PR shares his random thoughts.


  • Lee Dodd – Lee Dodd of Elite Retreat and Earner’s Forums blogs about forum marketing and SEO.
  • Lies, Damed Lies – Microsoft’s Ian Thomas, who leads Microsoft’s new web analytics solution effort, blogs about online marketing and web analytics.
  • LifeDev – Glen Stansberry blogs about personal productivity, web 2.0 and social media.
  • Link Building Blog – Patrick Gavin and Andy Hagans of Text Link Ads post about link marketing.
  • Linking Matters Blog – Ken McGaffin blogs about his unique perspective on link building.
  • LocalMN Blog – Paul Jahn writes about local search marketing from Minnesota.
  • Lonely Marketer – Patrick Schaber’s blog about being an in-house search marketing manager.
  • Link Moses – Link building goodness from the master, Eric Ward.
  • Look What G-Man Found – G-Man, aka Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy, an accomplished software developer and self proclaimed Google spammer blogs about SEO.


  • marciahoo – Marcia Welter, a previous moderator for WebmasterWorld, blogs about the search marketing industry, SEO and interesting forum threads.
  • Making Sense of Contextual Advertising – Jennifer Slegg’s blog (jensense) on all things related to AdSense, YPN and related contextual programs.
  • Manhattan Marketing Maven – Danny Flamberg blogs about all aspects of marketing including marketing online.
  • Market Position – A group blog about search marketing from WebTrends, owners of Web Position Gold.
  • Marketallica – Top digg user Ozgur Alaz offers fresh marketing trends and ideas from Istanbul.
  • Marketing Experiments Blog – Real-time data, insights, answers, and advice from Flint McGlaughlin’s team at MEC
  • Marketing.fm – Lee Jones Eric Friedman post about online marketing and advertising. Labs.
  • Marketing Logic – Matt Bailey, one of my favorite conference speakers, blogs about search marketing, analytics and usability.
  • Marketing Pilgrim – Andy Beal’s super stupendous blog on search engine industry news. :)
  • Marketing Profs Daily Fix – With managing editor, Ann Handley, this group blog posts on all things marketing with participants ranging from Eric Ward to Stephan Spencer to BL Ochman.
  • MarketingVOX – Previously Marketing Wonk, this post I-Search publication founded by Tig Tillinghast.
  • Marshall Clark SEO Consulting Blog – Posts about various aspects of the search marketing industry but my favorite is “Sun Tzu Guide to dominating Google in 5 easy steps.”
  • MasterLink Search Marketing Blog – Mark Barrera and Kimber Cook write about search engine optimization.
  • Matt Cutts – Google’s famous engineer and search spam fighter dispels wisdom, insight and squashes SEO myths.
  • Media Buyer Planner – Online media publication from the same folks that bring you MarketingVox.
  • Media Relations Blog – Karen Sams of TopRank and M&O blogs about new media PR and media relations.
  • Metaverse Business Blog – A blog about Second Life marketing.
  • Michael Visser – The Australian blogger.
  • Micro Persuasion – Steve Rubel from Edelman PR on new and social media, web 2.0 and marketing online.
  • Mike Grehan Says – Old school SEO Mike Grehan blogs about his world travels and the SEO column he writes for ClickZ.
  • Mike the Internet Guy – Recent winner of best local search blog, Mike Belasco writes about all aspects of marketing online.
  • MIMA Search Marketing – A blog for the in-house and agency search marketers in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
  • mimaseosemgeeks at Yahoo! Groups – Discussion thread for search marketers in the Midwest.
  • Mitemous – Just another blackhat SEO blog
  • Modern B2B Marketing – Jon Miller of marketo blogs about BtoB marketing online.
  • MoreVisibility SEM Blog – The team at MoreVisibility cover industry news & events, online advertising, CPC, analytics and updates on the Search Engines.
  • Morrison – Observations about the search marketing industry from Liam Morrison in Ireland.
  • Mr SEO – Joe Balestrino’s SEO blog.
  • MSN Sandbox – Where MSN posts beta applications for testing.
  • MSN Search’s WebLog – Official blog for MSN Search.
  • Multilingual Search – Andy Atkins Kruger and friends around the world blog about search engines and search marketing news happening outside North America.




  • Pandia – Internet searching blog from Per & Susanne Koch of Norway.
  • Paul J. Bruemmer on Search – The name says it all.
  • pepperjamBlog – The team at Pepperjam blogs about search and affiliate marketing along with search engine industry observations.
  • Performancing.com – Nick Wilson and friends on monetizing blogging.
  • Peter Norvig – Technical papers, essays and other materials from Peter Norvig.
  • Peter T Davis – Covering everything from business management to web marketing.
  • Pheedo – Official blog for Bill Flitter’s Pheedo blog advertising service.
  • Phil’s Blogservations – The perso-professional PR & media blog from Phil Gomes.
  • Phil Bradley’s Blog – Internet searching, web design & search engine developments for librarians.
  • PhilC’s Ramblings – Phil Craven shares his thoughts on search engines and search marketing.
  • Pilkster – Simon Pilkington’s SEO & marketing scrapbook from Australia.
  • PPC Blog – UK PPC specialist Dan Sharp offers news, articles, discussions, and all things pay per click.
  • Practical Blogging – Adsense, affiliate advertising & general blogging help from Robyn Tippins.
  • ProBlogger Blog Tips – Darren Rowse helps bloggers add income to their blogs.
  • Pronet Advertising – Neil Patel and Cameron Olthius dole out SEO and social media optimization wisdom daily.
  • Pubcon blog – Official blog for Brett Tabke’s WebmasterWorld Pubcon conference.


  • Read/WriteWeb – Next generation web technology from Richard MacManus.
  • Reality SEO – Mike Valentine discusses changes in the search engine optimization industry
  • RedFly Search Engine Marketing Blog – Dave Davis offers some great insight as a “solo seo” from Ireland.
  • ResearchBuzz – News about search engines, databases & more from Tara Calishain.
  • ResourceShelf – Gary Price & Shirl Kennedy’s observations on news in the information & web industry.
  • ReveNews – Publisher Jim Kukral and friends blog about the affiliate marketing industry covering topics from ecommerce to analytics to blogging.
  • RogerD’s Notebook – The inner workings of Roger Dooley.
  • Rothman Marketing Blog – Israel Rothman writes about internet advertising.
  • RSS Ray – Offers articles on internet marketing and also hosts an online radio show.


  • Scobleizer – Tech Geek Blogger – Robert Scoble, formerly a Microsoft blogger, blogs about the web.
  • Scoreboard Media – Brian Provost’s fairly new blog covers topics ranging from digg to link building, reputation management and of course, Google.
  • Screenwerk Greg Sterling – Greg Sterling’s musings on offline & online media.
  • Search Anyway Blog – Chris Ridings? and Sanjay Mayar blog about search and affiliate marketing.
  • Search Banter – A blog about search engine optimization news tips
  • SearchBrains – Excellent “river of news” site on SEO offered by the good people at WebProNews.
  • SearchCap: Daily Search Engine News Recap – Search is completely covered by Danny Sullivan, Barry Schwartz, Chris Sherman and Bill Slawski.
  • SearchQuant – Chris Zaharias writes about the paid search and search engine advertising industry.
  • SearchRank Blog – David Wallace blogs about search marketing from Arizona.
  • SearchReturn – Detlev Johnson’s revival of the I-Search discussion thread.
  • SearchViews – Company blog for Reprise Media.
  • Search Engine Guide Blog – Group blog about search engine optimization.
  • Search Engine Journal – Excellent search engine news site by Loren Baker and friends.
  • Search Engine Land – Danny Sullivan and friends’ new home to blog about search engines and the search marketing industry.
  • Search Engine Lowdown – Elliott Greene’s commentary on search marketing in the new media era.
  • Search Engine Optimization Facts – Weekly SEO news from Axandra.
  • Search Engine Roundtable – Barry Schwartz aka RustyBrick and friends cover the search engine forums.
  • Search Engine Showdown – Greg R. Notess guide to web searching.
  • Search Engine Smarts – A blog about small business search engine marketing for AllBusiness.com.
  • Search Engine Tigers – Simon Heseltine’s search engine blog.
  • Search Engine Watch blog – Group blog let by Kevin Newcomb posting news from Search Engine Watch and around the web on search engines and marketing online.
  • Search Engines – Topix.net – Search engine news from all over the net in one place.
  • Search Insider – David Berkowitz, Aaron Goldman, Rob Garner, Gord Hotchkiss, & Bill Wise give the inside of search marketing for MediaPost.
  • Search Market Pro – Search engine marketing news & articles from Rob Kerry, aka “evilgreenmonkey” and friends.
  • Search Marketing Gurus – Li Evans, Greg Meyers, Dan Kavanaugh cover everything from viral marketing to web development to affiliate marketing.
  • Search Marketing Sage – Janet Driscoll Miller offers advice on SEO and PPC.
  • Search Marketing Standard Blog – Garrett French blogs for this popular print magazine about search marketing.
  • Search Marketing Thoughts – Chris Boggs often humorous blog on search marketing.
  • Search Marketing with ventureN – Robert Lawrence’s webmaster’s blog on web design, coding and SEO.
  • searchsandbox – Jeff Raab blogs all about pay per click marketing.
  • Search Visibility Report – Top Blog Posts – Latest news & commentary from the search engine community
  • SEM Clubhouse – Christine Churchill, Jim Gilbert, Mike Churchill & Jeff Martin from KeyRelevance’s blog.
  • Semfire Search Engine Marketing – Christine Parfitt’s search engine marketing company’s blog.
  • SEM Research – Search engine and social media marketing by Chris Sandberg and others.
  • SEM SEO Certification & Training – David Temple promotes training sessions covering the basics of search.
  • SEO and Web Marketing Research – Oleg Ishenko provides research for online marketing.
  • SEO BlackHat – Covering blackhat seo, linkbait, & link spamming.
  • SEO Blog – Michael Duz provides an SEO resource for site owners and small businesses.
  • SEO Blog – Bob Mutch writes about link building through directories and social bookmarking.
  • SEO Bomb – Sverre Sjthun blogs about SEO from Norway.
  • SEO Book – Aaron Wall’s exceptionally popular blog that also offers his SEO book for sale.
  • SEO Buzz Box – Aaron Pratt’s blog about SEO when he’s not making rain barrels.
  • SEO by the SEA – William Slawski provides Internet marketing & search engine optimization research & services.
  • SEO Class Blog – New SEO training seminar’s blog covering local marketing, nonprofit, SEO basics, class news and social media optimization.
  • SEO Coach – Dan Thies, keyword research guru blog.
  • SEO Critique – Thomas Schmitz’s Seattle based blog about search engine optimization.
  • SEO Disco – Kid Disco’s blog about search.
  • SEO Egghead – Jamie Sirovich blogs SEO goodness.
  • SEO Home Blog – UK based Gabriel Homer (Gabs) blogs about Google and SEO.
  • SEO Hotline – Ahmed Bilal blogs about SEO.
  • SEO News Blog – Didier Bizimungu provides news on search engine optimization & marketing.
  • SEO SEM In House Blog – Jessica Bowman, now Director of SEO for Business.com, offers up an in-house SEO perspective.
  • SEO Scoop – Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, discusses everything seo.
  • SEO Speedwagon – Intrapromote company blog about search engine optimization.
  • SEO Theory – Michael Martinez focuses on search engine optimization theory.
  • seoassassin.co.uk – Brendon Scott, aka “TallTroll” writes negatively on SEO and affiliate marketing.
  • SEO’Brien – An online marketing blog by Paul O’Brien.
  • SEOidiot – Paul Madden is a cartoonist, designer, salesman, blackhat, & SEO.
  • SEO Mash – A mashup of feeds from various SEO sites like SER, SEL, SEW, SEOmoz and OMB.
  • SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog – News, tips & highlights from the search marketing industry.
  • SeoPedia – Cristian Mezei’s blog on search and social media marketing.
  • SEOPittfall – In-house SEO Stephen Pitts writes about a nice mixture of search engine optimization, paid search, social media and blogs.
  • SEOptimize – Kevin Gibbons offers a well rounded blog about pay per click and natural search optimization.
  • SEOrefugee – Web designer/developer James Cook and Skitzzo blog uniquely about SEO and offers a few SEO cartoons from time to time.
  • SEOshed – Christian Griffithand friends blog about search engine marketing.
  • SEOspace – Jody Nimetz of Enquiro thoughts on organic search engine marketing with a B2B twist
  • SEO Speedwagon – Intrapromote company blog about search engine optimization.
  • Seth’s Blog – Seth Godin’s blog about marketing.
  • ShandyKing – Adam Sussman is the obsessive compulsive entrepreneur
  • Shimon Sandler – SEO, PPC & other Internet marketing tactics
  • Shoemoney – Jeremy Shoemaker’s very popular blog about making money online.
  • Shop.org Blog – Group Blog from Shop.org
  • Sifry’s Alerts – Dave Sifry, founder of Technorati posts “state of the blogosphere” reports here.
  • SitePoint’s Search Engine Marketing Blog – company blog for SitePoint.
  • SiteProNews Blog – Jerry Bader, Jim Hedger and Kim Roach write on an interesting mix of topics ranging from internet marketing issues to blogs to SEO.
  • Skrentablog – Rich Skrenta, co-founder of Topix.net, blogs about industry analysis with a few personal items.
  • SLI Systems – Dr. Shaun Ryan comments on the search industry from a site search vendor’s perspective.
  • Small Business SEM – Matt McGee offers insight about search engine marketing for the smaller businesses.
  • SmartKeywords – A journal of the search industry provided by Frank Watson
  • Social Media Podcast and Blog – JD Lasica blogs about new media, social networks and computing.
  • Social Media Group – Maggie Fox blogs about everything from social media optimization to advertising.
  • Social Media Marketing – Ben Wills blogs about social media in its many forms.
  • Social Media Optimization – David Wilson covers the gamut of marketing with social media.
  • Social Media Release – Best practices and social media news release from the Social Media Club.
  • Social Patterns – Michael Nguyen on search engine marketing.
  • SoloSEO Blog – Michael D Jensen and Aaron R Stewart provide tools & reports to make your SEO more efficient.
  • Somewhat Frank – Frank Gruber writes about Web 2.0 applications, technology and a bit about online marketing.
  • Speaking Freely – Dean aka, “DigitalGhost”, writes freely about SEO, search engine research and spam detection.
  • SpinThicket.com – Scott Baradell created one place to promote news stories related to PR, marketing and more.
  • Splintered Channels – Josh Hawkins’ reflections on marketing.
  • Sponsored B2B – Rick Tobin provides useful best practice info and leading edge research to help you build a better performing PPC strategy.
  • Startuplay – A guide to China internet marketing written by Sergey Mirkin, a Russian born, Silicon Valley educated fellow living in China.
  • Stephan Spencer’s Scatterings – Stephan Spencer of Netconcepts blogs about search.
  • straightupsearch – OneUpWeb’s company blog for anyone in advertising, marketing and pr.
  • Street Smart SEO – Sean from Avenue A | Razorfish – on page SEO solutions
  • Stuntdubl – All around SEO guru and independent consultant Todd Malicoat’s blog about SEO, social media and the business of search marketing. Occassional guest posts from “Mr. Ploppy”.
  • Sugarrae – Rae Hoffman’s clever blog about search marketing.
  • Syndk8 – Earl Grey’s blackhat SEO forum.
  • Syndk8 Stuff – Earl Grey, aka Mick Sawyer, blog that compliments the syndk8 black hat SEO forum.




  • V7N Search Marketing News – Peter Da Vanzo blogs on search marketing industry news and recently some great how to’s.
  • Vinny Lingham’s Blog – Vinny provides coverage on online marketing & Web 2.0.
  • viperchill blog – Glen and the team at UK based viperchill focus on all things to do with search engine optimisation. Yeah, with an “s”!
  • vonfelten – Zach vonFelten’s Weblog on SEM, Advertising, and the Internet.


  • WageRank – CDC documents the process of building up an internet marketing company.
  • Web Analytic Matt – Simple solutions for a complex world from Matt Hopkins.
  • Web Analytics Book – Daily web analytics news from anonymous, who grew up in Germany and now lives in NYC.
  • Web Analytics World – Manoj Jasra from Enquiro shares his wisdom and observations about analytics and search marketing.
  • Web Analytics Demystified – Web analytics guru Eric T. Peterson offers tips and resources.
  • WebConnoisseur – Dustin Woodard’s thoughts on search, web analytics and the web in general.
  • WebGuerrilla – Greg Boser tells it like it is on topics ranging from affiliate marketing to stupid news.
  • Web Ink Now – David Meerman Scott helps innovative marketers use digital information effectively.
  • Web Marketing Watch – Sage Lewis provides a daily video web marketing show.
  • WebmasterRadio Newsroom – Featured stories from WebmasterRadioFM.
  • WebmasterWorld – News and discussions for the Web professional.
  • Web Metrics Guru – Marshall Sponder of IBM writes about web analytics and the search marketing industry.
  • Webmoxy – The lovable world traveler and consumate photographer, Becky Ryan of Trellian.
  • WebPro Blog – Internet business & marketing trends from WebProNews.
  • Web Professor – Scott Horne’s take on online media.
  • Website Content Strategy – Sally Falkow blogs about online and new media public relations and search marketing
  • Website Promotion Today – Because web site promotion is about more than SEO – according to Christine Okelly.
  • Web Strategy by Jeremiah – Jeremiah Owyang provides web tools to help connect with customers.
  • werty dot net 4.0 – George Kepnick writes about stuff and sometimes SEO.
  • What’s Next – BL Ochman’s blog about marketing online and life in NYC.
  • What’s New | RSS Applied – Group blog on marketing with RSS.
  • WhoisAndrewWee.com – Andrew Wee on blogging, affiliate marketing & social traffic generation.
  • Widget Blog – Sexy Widget – Lawrence Coborn’s blog about using widgets to market online.
  • Widget Logic – Jason Duke has revived this previously dormant blog about search engines and marketing online.
  • wingedpig – Bloglines founder, Mark Fletcher, blogs about everything from syndication to the web to flying.
  • WOMMA’s WOMBAT Blog – Dana Vanden Heuvel and Jennifer Nastu edit the official blog for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association.
  • Wordtracker Blog – Official blog from the popular keyword research service.








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